Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Question 1

問題一:如果你家附近有一家餐廳﹐東西又貴又難吃﹐桌上還爬著蟑﹐你會因為他很近很方便﹐就一而再、再而三地光臨嗎? 回答:你一定會說﹐誰那么花錢買罪受?

可是同樣的情況換個場合﹐自己或許就做類似的事。 不少男女都曾經抱怨過他們的情人或配偶品性不端﹐三心二意﹐不負責任。明知在一起沒 什麼好的結果﹐怨恨已經比愛還多﹐但卻“不知道為什麼”還是要和他攪和下去﹐分不了手。說穿了﹐只是為了不甘﹐為了習慣﹐這不也和光臨餐廳一樣?


Question 1:
If there is a restaurant near to your house. The food in the restaurant is yucky and expensive, the kitchen seems not clean at all, you will having meal again and again in this restaurant due to it is near to your house?

Answer: You must say, who will spend money to buy “suffer”?
But the same scenario, you might do the same things in your life.
A lot of people blame their lover or partner in many aspects like bad character, irresponsibility, half-hearted about his work… Since “blame” is more than “love”, why don’t break up? Just because not reconciled, or use to your lover? Isn’t this like you visit the restaurant repeated even you are not satisfied on it?

Conclusion: Hei, human, why are you so stubborn?

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